Saturday, February 14, 2009

OSX Keyboard Shortcuts & Key Combinations

Keyboard Control

      Below is a more complete list, divided into sections based on where they are applicable.
      Letter keys are printed here in CAPS for clarity -- you do not need to press the shift key unless explicitly instructed.

    Startup and Login


      Invoke Open Firmware


      Reset PRAM


      Startup in FireWire Target Disk Mode


      Invoke Startup Manager


      Invoke single-user mode


      Invoke verbose mode


      Boot from CD/DVD


      Boot into OS X (if you previously booted from OS 9 on the same volume)

      shift (immediately at startup)

      Safe boot

      shift (after boot screen, until login screen)

      Override auto-login

      shift (after login screen)

      Safe login

      option+escape, then click on a user

      Present name/password login dialog instead of list of users


      option+volume up/down/mute

      Open Sound preferences

      option+brightness up/down

      Open Display preferences


      Cycle through active keyboard layouts/scripts


      Eject CD/DVD drive (hold down for two seconds)

      return or enter

      Select default button in dialog (OK, Open, Save, etc.)

      escape or command+.

      Exit/cancel dialog


      Log out


      Log out without confirmation dialog

      power button (laptops) or control+eject (desktops)

      Bring up Restart/Sleep/Shut Down dialog

      command+option+eject (desktops)

      Sleep computer immediately


      Bring up Force Quit window

      command+control+eject (desktops)

      Restart immediately (chance to save changes in open documents)

      command+option+control+eject (desktops) or
      command+option+control+power (laptops)

      Shutdown immediately (chance to save changes in open documents)

      command+control+power button

      Force restart (no chance to save changes in open documents)

      hold power button

      Force shutdown (no chance to save changes in open documents)

    Universal Access (must be enabled in Universal Access preferences)


      Toggle zoom (screen magnification) on/off


      Zoom in


      Zoom out


      Toggle display inversion (white-on-black) on/off

      shift (five times)

      Toggle Sticky Keys on/off

      option (five times)

      Toggle Mouse Keys on/off

    Full Keyboard Access


      Toggle Full Keyboard Access on/off

      control+F2 (or control+M)

      Focus keyboard control on menu bar

      control+F3 (or control+D)

      Focus keyboard control on Dock

      control+F4 (or control+W)

      Focus keyboard control on active Window or cycle to next window

      control+F5 (or control+T)

      Focus keyboard control on toolbar

      control+F6 (or control+U)

      Focus keyboard control on palette (utility window)


      In windows and dialogs, switch focus to text boxes/lists/controls

      arrow keys

      Navigate active item

      return, enter, or spacebar

      Select highlighted item

      return or enter

      Select default dialog control (OK, Yes, No, Save, Open, etc.)


      Cancel action, menu, or dialog

    Finder: General


      Open View Options


      Empty Trash (with confirmation dialog)


      Empty Trash (without confirmation dialog)


      Bring up Find dialog


      Bring up Connect to Server dialog

    Finder: Files and Folders


      New Folder in active Finder window (including the Desktop)

      arrow keys

      Navigate items in active Finder window


      Select next/previous file or folder (alphabetically)

      type name of file/folder

      Select that file/folder


      Edit file/folder name


      Open selected item(s)


      Open Get Info window for selected item(s)


      Open File Inspector window


      Duplicate selected item(s)


      Create alias(es) for selected item(s)

      command+R (for aliases)

      Show target of selected alias ("reveal original")


      Add selected item(s) to Favorites (creates alias in Favorites folder)


      Move selected item(s) to Trash

      command+down arrow

      Open item(s); add option key to close current folder

      command+up arrow

      Switch to enclosing folder (if no windows are open, opens new window to Home); add option key to close current folder

      option+right arrow/left arrow (folders in list view)

      Toggle disclosure triangle for selected folder(s) open/closed

      command+option+right arrow/left arrow (folders in list

      Toggle disclosure triangle for all folder(s) open/closed

    Finder: Window Management


      New Finder window


      View active window as Icons/List/Columns

      control+tab or control+I (in list view)

      Change column sorting; cycles columns left to right (add shift key to cycle right to left)


      Show/hide window toolbar for active window


      Go to Computer / Home / iDisk / Applications / Favorites in active window (a new window will be opened if necessary)


      Bring up "Go to Folder" dialog in active window (a new window will be opened if necessary)

      command+[ or command+]

      Go back or forward in window view history


      Close active Finder window


      Close all Finder windows

    Finder: Volumes/Media (see Chapter 5)


      Eject volume/disc

    Open/Save Dialog Shortcuts


      Switch between browser and text fields

      arrow keys, page up/down

      Navigate in browser


      Create new folder in the current directory


      Change directory to Desktop


      Change directory to /Applications


      Change directory to Computer view (list of volumes)


      Change directory to Favorites folder


      Change directory to Home folder


      Change directory to iDisk (mounts iDisk if necessary)



      Toggle Dock auto-hide on/off


      Cycle through active applications; each tab press while holding command changes the application once. Add the shift key to cycle backwards. As long as you keep the command key pressed, you can also quit or hide applications as you cycle through them.

    Applications, including the Finder


      Hide current application


      Hide all other applications


      Minimize active window to the Dock


      Minimize all windows in active application to the Dock


      Cycle through current application's windows (add the shift to cycle backwards)


      Open application preferences dialog (not universal yet, but becoming more common)

    Screenshot & Print Screen

    (By default, screenshots are saved to the Desktop in PDF format; add the control key to any of the combinations below to copy the screenshot to the clipboard instead; you can then paste it into any graphics application -- such as OS X's Preview -- and save it in any format you prefer.)


      Full screenshot


      Crosshair to allow selection of screenshot area

      command+shift+4, then spacebar

      Camera to capture specific screen object

    Text-related shortcuts in Cocoa applications (see Chapter 7)

      bindkey <RETURN>
      in Terminal for complete list (in the list, ^ means the control key).

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Czech government divided over jobless foreigners

Prague - Just a few months ago they were helping the Czech economy and now they are facing deportation. Thousands of foreigners that have lost their jobs as a consequence of the economic crisis are trapped in the country and the government seems to be divided on what exactly to do with them.

The story of a Vietnamese citizen Le Kim Thanh perfectly illustrates the dichotomy of the government. Le Kim Thanh worked in different jobs, was underpaid and eventually caught by police. "He violated law a number of times," says interior minister Ivan Langer who represents the tougher approach to the jobless foreigners stranded in the country. Thanh is now facing deportation. Human rights minister Michael Kocáb asked Langer to reconsider Thanh's case once more. "The Czech society should be more open-minded and sensitive to foreigners," Kocáb told press agency ČTK Wednesday.

"This case will show whether the Czech government and its institutions can sensibly and correctly consider cases of foreigners that are losing jobs en masse," added Kocáb.
Easy to become illegal
The latest statistics indicate there are 17,000 jobless contract workers at the moment, most of them foreigners. According to the interior ministry around 12,000 foreigners are expected to lose jobs in the 1Q.
Czech factories are massively sacking employees and foreign workers are the first ones to lose their jobs. As soon as their work contracts are terminated, jobless foreigners must return home but often find themselves in a difficult situation, not having any money to buy a ticket.
At a Monday conference minister Langer presented his plan how to handle the unsettling situation of jobless guest workers.
"He (Le Kim Thanh) did not follow the court's ruling on deportation, he worked without a working permit and he did not report on his whereabouts to the authorities," Langer said at the conference.
Human rights activists and non-governmental organizations have spoken out against the decision to deport Le Kim Thanh.
ConCourt may help
According to Langer, the case of Thanh is to be decided by court. But Pavel Čižinský from the Refugee Agency says it is only the foreigners police that or interior ministry that can decide what to do with Thanh.
The Refugee Agency is now mulling filing a complaint with the Constitutional Court.
HRs minister Kocáb recommended Wednesday the authorities to reconsider the case once again. "He lives and works thousands of kilometers away from his home. The contact with authorities and employees is made by the work agency. He speaks no Czech. In the case of any problems he and his family can be sanctioned back home."

"The strict approach of the state authorities towards jobless foreigners may create concerns of Czech citizens over foreigners living and working in the country. There is enough of "bad" mood and news these days," said Kocáb.

Monday, February 02, 2009

V Praze se demonstrovalo proti americkému radaru

Praha - Přibližně tisícovka lidí dnes v Praze protestovala proti přítomnosti americké protiraketové základny v Česku. Demonstraci svolali komunisté. Lidé se kolem 13:00 sešli na náměstí Jana Palacha v centru Prahy. Odtud pak pochodovali k americkému velvyslanectví, kde předseda KSČM Vojtěch Filip spolu s europoslancem Miroslavem Ransdorfem předali dopis adresovaný americkému prezidentovi Baracku Obamovi.

Filip zopakoval, že komunisté požadují svolání referenda ohledně radaru. Uvedl, že se poslanci strany budou snažit zabránit projednání smluv ve sněmovně. Další zástupci KSČM mluvili zejména o obrovské zátěži, které by raketová základna představovala pro obyvatele v Brdech a pro tamní životní prostředí. V nejbližší době chtějí předat parlamentu další petici proti radaru s podpisy 15.000 lidí.

V dopise Obamovi komunisté píší, že valná většina českých obyvatel si protiraketovou základnu v zemi nepřeje. Tvrdí, že se její výstavbou zvýší pro ČR bezpečnostní rizika. Zároveň odmítají, aby se Česko stalo nástrojem politiky Spojených států a požadují, aby americký prezitent vzal při rozhodování o radaru jejich argumenty v úvahu.

Protestu se účastnili také zástupci Ligy starostů proti radaru a organizace Lidé nesli transparenty s nápisy Mír a solidarita, Ne radaru či Stop novým závodům ve zbrojení. Cestou přes Malou Stranu skandovali hesla "Radar tady nebude, nechte si ho doma" nebo "Kdo se bojí referenda? Topolánek, Saša Vondra".

"Pochod se rozešel ve 14:45, vše proběhlo v poklidu, veřejný pořádek narušen nebyl," řekla ČTK mluvčí pražské policie Iva Knolová.

Podle prosincového průzkumu Centra pro výzkum veřejného mínění (CVVM) se základnou dlouhodobě nesouhlasí zhruba dvě třetiny lidí, opačný názor zastává necelá třetina. Více než dvě třetiny lidí rovněž dlouhodobě požadují, aby o umístění základny v Česku mohli rozhodnout občané v referendu. Podle komunistů za poslední dva roky podepsalo petice proti radaru přes 350.000 lidí.

Smlouvy umožňující vybudovat americkou základnu v Brdech schválil loni v listopadu Senát. Poslanecká sněmovna, kde převažují její odpůrci hlavně z ČSSD a KSČM, ale i menších vládních stran, o nich ještě nehlasovala.

Author: ČTK

Over 1000 Czechs Marched in Protest of U.S. Radar Base

Some one thousand people today protested against the planned stationing of a U.S. radar base on Czech soil and marched to the U.S. Embassy where they handed its staff an open letter by the Communist Party (KSCM) addressed for U.S. President Barack Obama.

The letter says the U.S. base would makes Czech territory and inhabitants a potential target of a military attack, the daily Pravo writes today.

The Communists also write in the letter that the radar would be dangerous to human health and very expensive.

KSCM leader Vojtech Filip recalled that the party demands that a referendum on the radar is organised in the Czech Republic.

Opinion polls show that about two-thirds of Czechs would like the referendum to be held. Approximately the same number is against the base.

The U.S. base is promoted by the ruling Civic Democrats (ODS), while the leftist opposition, including the Communists and the Social Democrats (CSSD), opposes it.

The Czech-U.S. treaties on the base were signed last year, but Czech parliament has not yet ratified them.

Apart from the radar base in the Czech Republic, ten interceptor missiles are to be located in Poland. These two elements of the U.S. missile defence shield are to defend the United States and a large part of Europe against missiles countries like Iran and North Korea might launch.

The Prague marchers today carried banners saying No to Radar, Stop New Arms Race, and Peace and Solidarity.

The Mayors League Against Radar, associating the mayors of the municipalities situated near the Brdy military grounds where the U.S. base is to be constructed, took part in the protest, along with supporters of the (No to radar) group.

Author: ČTK

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Works to block mobile card readers and ID scanners