Saturday, December 24, 2011
Joanna Yeates: Murder at Christmas
Exclusive documentary examining the shocking murder of Bristol landscape architect Joanna Yeates, who was strangled in her flat by Vincent Tabak in December 2010. Including interviews with Joanna's parents, initial suspect landlord Chris Jeffries, and those involved in solving the case. Never before had a missing pizza, grey sock and 293 tonnes of domestic rubbish played such an important part in a murder investigation. But this was all the police had to go on when 25-year-old landscape architect Joanna Yeates went missing on 17 December 2010.
Living above Joanna and Greg was their landlord Chris Jefferies. Described "as an eccentric pillar of society" he was a retired 65-year-old English teacher. Also a member of the local neighbourhood watch group, it was alleged that Jefferies had seen three people, including Joanna, leave her flat the night she disappeared. He would go on to play a key part in the hunt for the killer.
Joanna and Greg's next door neighbour was Vincent Tabak, a 33-year-old Dutch national. Described as an "introverted loner" as a child, he had grown up in Uden, Holland. After gaining his masters degree and later a PhD in engineering he moved to the UK. He worked in nearby Bath and lived with his girlfriend, Tanja Morson. The events on the night of 17 December would change his life forever. Joanna Yeates could not know she was living next to a human time-bomb ticking towards murder.
Vincent Tabak spent hundreds of hours trawling pornographic sites learning the best way to kill...and then he set about his task.In Joanna Yeates: Murder at Christmas we meet the people who lived through one of the most compelling crime stories of the decade.It emerged that Joanna's killer was an online fetishist who spent hours watching violent pornography. Psychologist Emma Scott outlines why some men are susceptible to online-addiction and gradually find the line between reality and fantasy blurred.
We also hear from former police detective, Mark Williams Thomas, on why his criticism of Avon and Somerset Police led to him being banned from media conferences. He explains the challenges that were faced by the Police as well as the mistakes that were made.
And we travel to Holland to hear from those who lived alongside Tabak; the man who broke a nation's heart and left a family forever without their 'ray of sunshine.'
Brave Murder Christmas Day
Friday, December 16, 2011
Karel Kryl - Hle, jak se perou
jak úplatky berou a svrbí je dlaně,
jen pohleďte na ně, jak zatančí tance,
když namísto daně jim dají kus žvance.
pak sedět v díře nějaký rok,
klít, pít, co hrdlo ráčí,
vždyť osud stáčí už poslední lok.
než hrdlo si servou a život si zkrátí,
tak s křikem se boulují s tupostí mezků
a páni se radují, utáhnou přezku.
jak na klubko zmijí, jež zabíjí laně,
tak pozor dej na ně v té podivné době,
vždyť při této hraně jde o krk i tobě!
as taking bribes and is itching palms
just look on them as dance dance
if, rather than tax them the piece of cud.
®: Drink, swear, blaspheme the faith,
then sit in a hole a year
swearing, drinking, your heart's content,
after all, it turns the fate of the last sip.
So behold, as with the verve into each beat,
than to rend the throat and a shorter life,
and screaming to the dullness of mules boulují
lords and rejoice, tighten the buckle.
When drinking in a pub, so be careful to give them
both on the ball of vipers, who kills does,
to give attention to them at odd times,
after all, at this edge for the neck and you!
Karel Kryl - Král a klaun
do veliké dálky
a s ním do té války
jel na mezku klaun
Než hledí si stáh
tak z výrazu tváře
bys nepoznal lháře
co zakrývá strach
Inter arma silent Musae
Místo zvonku cinkal brněním
Král do boje táh
do veliké dálky
a s ním do té války
jel na mezku klaun
a sotva se vzdálil
tak vesnice pálil
a dobýval měst
Klaun v očích měl hněv
když sledoval žháře
jak smývali v páře
prach z rukou a krev
Tiše šeptal při té hrůze
Inter arma silent Musae
Místo loutny držel v ruce meč
a sotva se vzdálil
tak vesnice pálil
a dobýval měst
Král do boje táh
s tou vraždící lůzou
Klaun třásl se hrůzou
a odvetu kul
tak oklamal stráže
a nemaje páže
sám burcoval lid
ve válce že mlčí Múzy
Muži by však mlčet neměli
Král do boje táh
s tou vraždící lůzou
Klaun třásl se hrůzou
a odvetu kul
a v červáncích vlídných
zřel na čele bídných
jak vstříc jde mu klaun
Když západ pak vzplál
tok potoků temněl
Klaun tušení neměl
jak zahynul král
Inter arma silent Musae
Krále z toho strachu trefil šlak
Klaun tiše se smál
a zem žila dále
a neměla krále
Klaun na loutnu hrál
Klaun na loutnu hrál
to far away
and with him to the war
rode a mule clown
Before he looks before download
and from the facial expression
You recognize a liar
what fear conceals
Softly whisper in the horror
Inter arma silent Musa
Place bell jingled armor
King to fight stroke
to far away
and with him to the war
rode a mule clown
King to fight stroke
and hardly moved away
and burning villages
and conquer cities
Clown anger in his eyes
he watched arsonist
bathed away as steam
dust off his hands and blood
Softly whisper in the horror
Inter arma silent Musa
Instead of the lute in his hand a sword
King to fight stroke
and hardly moved away
and burning villages
and conquer cities
King to fight stroke
with the murderous mob
Clown shook with terror
retaliation and culture
When the night was quiet
to deceive the guards
and not having a page
itself burcoval people
All shouted to the horror
in the war that the Muses are silent
Men, however, would not remain silent
King to fight stroke
with the murderous mob
Clown shook with terror
retaliation and culture
King to fight stroke
and benign červáncích
saw the miserable head
goes to meet his clown
When West then blazed
flow streams darkened
Clown had no idea
how the king died
Many people cried at the horror
Inter arma silent Musa
King of the fear of hitting stroke
The clown laughed quietly
earth and lived as
and not the king
Clown playing the lute
Clown playing the lute
Karel Kryl - Jeřabiny
zahynul motýl mezi karabinami,
zástupce pro týl šlápl na běláska,
zahynul motýl jako naše láska,
zahynul motýl jako naše láska.
Na břehu řeky roste tráva ostřice,
prý přišli včas, však vtrhli jako vichřice,
nad tichou zemí vrčí netopýři
a národ němý tlučou oficíři,
a národ němý tlučou oficíři.
Na nebi měsíc jako koláč s tvarohem,
koupím si láhev rumu v krčmě za rohem,
budeš se líbat v noci s cizím pánem,
já budu zpívat zpitý s kapitánem,
já budu zpívat zpitý s kapitánem.
butterfly died between karabiners,
representative for the rear stepped on běláska,
died butterfly as our love,
died butterfly as our love.
On the banks of the river sedge grass grows,
apparently came early, but stormed like a whirlwind,
above the quiet country growls bats
dumb people and beat officers,
dumb people and beat officers.
The sky as the moon cake with cream cheese,
buy a bottle of rum in a pub around the corner,
to kiss you at night with a foreign master,
I will sing with a drunk captain
I will sing with a drunk captain.
The Marriage and Bipolar Disorder Authority | The Great Burnout
Caregivers are prone to burning out when taking care of a loved one dealing with a chronic medical condition. However, when caring for someone, especially a spouse, who is suffering from Bipolar Disorder can feel like you are burning the candle from both ends. Not only are you trying to keep on top of medications and medical care for your spouse, but you are trying to be a patient and loving spouse while dealing with the mood swings, cycles, and everythingelse that comes with Bipolar Disorder. There are some things that you can do as a caregiver to try to avoid the burnout.
1) Find a hobby It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just find something that you enjoy doing that does not revolve around your kids, time management, or your spouse dealing with mental illness. It could be as simple as giving yourself a workout routine. Remember to make it a concrete part of your schedule, so that it has priority. You need to remember to set aside time each week for you so that you become so overwhelmed. Setting this time aside each week will give you something to look forward to each and every week.
2) Support System We are very lucky to have a strong support system of family living very close and this has been a great help to us while working through my husband’s mental illness. However, some couples struggling through bipolar disorder are not lucky enough to have a strong support system around you. If this is the case, try to find a good support group that meets at least on a weekly basis to get some basic support going for you and your family. At the very least this at least gives you a group of people that both you and your husband can relate to and this will help you realize that you are not alone in this journey.
3) Find a new balance When bipolar disorder takes over your life, or at least that is the way it feels, sometimes it can seem as though the scale that you have used to balance your family life is now broken. Some days it will feel as though it will never be fixed. Come to a place where you know where your limits are for yourself and for your family. Sometimes this will mean saying no to a lot of social events – that’s OK! You are in the process of redefining your life, your marriage, and your family. Just like growing in any other area of your life, this will be a rocky road though if you are able to find that new balance your marriage will be stronger as a result. There will be other social events in the future. Won’t it be wonderful to go to those social events in the future with your marriage and family intact instead of becoming another divorce statistic?
What are some ways that you have avoided burnout when caring for your spouse living with Bipolar Disorder.
Blogging Challenge!
I hope that you are enjoying these daily posts for the month of May in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month! I am doing my part to help end the stigma associated with mental health, in particular Bipolar Disorder, by getting information out there in order to increase awareness for those who want to learn more about mental illnesses, also to provide encouragement for those already living with the illness.
I will also be participating in the 2011 Mental Health Blog Day that will be on May 18th. I am already working on an awesome post for release on May 18th to bring light to the stigma around mental health.
Contact us!
If this is your first visit to our website – welcome! It is my desire that you are able to find hope and encouragement from this blog especially if your spouse suffers from mental illness. We try to take it day by day, though this journey is especially challenging. You should not have to go on this journey alone!
Please comment on this blog – we would truly appreciate your feedback! Are you finding this helpful and encouraging? Is there a particular topic you are needing resources or advice on? Let me know how I can improve the blog and make it more resourceful for you!
You can also follow me on twitter. I love to engage with others dealing with mental illness there and would be honored if you followed me. I try to share resources and articles on twitter as much as possible. Please also feel free to send an e-mail to with any feedback that you don’t feel comfortable leaving it in the comments section on the blog.
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Love Hurts, & Men Feel The Pain Longer
Check out what our neighbors to the north have discovered: men are about twice as likely to report depression stemming from divorce than women.
Neither the study nor the news report on it gave any real indication of why this was. What would have been interesting is if they paired these statistics with ones on who initiates divorce and reasons cited for the split. I wonder, for example, if women are initiating the divorces more because of cheating spouses and the like. In which case they are probably six times more likely to be pissed off after divorce than men. Or hey, vice versa.
But do check out that little happy nugget of news at the bottom. Turns out it takes only four years to get over the complete and utter devastation of losing the person you love. Well sheesh, if they can solve that one, now can they tell us how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?
The Break Up Girl can offer solutions and advice for both men and women, whether together, apart, or working on it.
After the break-up, your "first love" never really leaves you, according to student research at UC Berkeley
After the break-up, your "first love" never really leaves you, according to student research at UC Berkeley
07 Feb 2001
By Kathleen Scalise, Media Relations
Berkeley - Whether your heart belongs to anyone this Valentine's Day may depend on what happened the first time you fell in love.
This new finding, by University of California, Berkeley, graduate student Jennifer Beer, challenges the notion commonly held since Freud that the stability of the parent-child relationship sets the stage for attachment later in life.
With romance, said Beer, "Some of the problems you have in the romantic domain may have more to do with your first love than with your parents." She based her work on the first-love stories of 303 UC Berkeley undergraduates, mostly juniors, collected in 1997.
By "first love," Beer doesn't mean a childhood crush on a teacher or movie star, but the first real relationship of a romantic nature between two individuals, often experienced in adolescence or early adult years. Those who remember the experience positively are more likely to consider themselves securely attached to their current romantic partners, she said, and to perceive their romantic partners as securely attached to them.
She now is looking at how such recent and distant "vivid" representations of self and partner are stored in different memory systems in the brain and what this might reveal about self-perception.
"Vivid memories are very detailed, self-defining, something you recall a lot, stories and anecdotes you dwell on or tell all the time," Beer said.
In the case of first love, such memories often range from bittersweet but fond - perhaps recollections of a poignant puppy love tinged with regard or regret for a long-ago sweetheart - to deeply painful, soul-crushing experiences.
Whatever happened, "it can set you up as thinking, 'This is what I am like as a relationship partner,' " Beer said.
People who recollect their first romantic experience as involving good feelings, for instance, citing memories of happiness, excitement, strength, inspiration, pride and enthusiasm, were more likely to be in stable relationships years later than those recalling hostility, upset, stress, guilt, fright or shame, Beer found.
"First love relationships often break up. So people say, 'What do you mean, good feelings? It was a breakup,' " she said. "But even though the relationship ended, which seems like it might be negative, the vivid memories surrounding the experience can be good or bad."
As an example of a good experience, Beer cited one respondent who suffered greatly because her former boyfriend dated other women immediately after their relationship ended. But, prior to that, the experience had been a positive taste of what love could be, and the woman learned what made her happy in a relationship.
Alternatively, Beer described a stormier experience that left the respondent years later with the unshakeable suspicion that all men were untrustworthy.
"This is wrong, but I cannot help myself," the respondent commented. "One negative experience has been enough to change my entire outlook on men."
Beer identified four patterns of perception surrounding relationships:
* Secure - A secure, positive sense of both self and partner in a relationship.
* Dismissive -A positive sense of self, but not of partner.
* Preoccupied - A positive sense of partner, but not of self.
* Fearful - Negative recollections of both.
Those with memories of positive emotion and outcomes from their first relationship "were more likely to have positive views of self and others in romantic relationships," Beer said. "Those with more negative emotions and outcome were more likely to show one of the other three patterns."
Break Up - Love Quotes: Moving On & Letting Go Of Your Love
Read more: on-page-0.htm#ixzz1fzkm8Z7Q
How to Let Go of Someone You Love
These tips for letting go and moving on apply to all types of loss, and include resources for healing a broken heart.
Before the tips, a quip:
“Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting them back together.” ~ Unknown.
This is one of my favorite quotations on letting go because it’s true – sometimes it’s worse (in the long run) to try to get back together. Sometimes you need to keep forging ahead, and learn to survive heartbreak.
Here are a few tips for letting go of someone you love…
How to Let Go of Someone You Love
If you feel hopeless and depressed, read 75 Ways to Let Go of Someone You Love. I interviewed psychologists, life coaches, counselors, and grief experts on the best ways to cope with and heal from loss.Remember both the good and the bad parts of the relationship
When you’ve lost someone you love, it’s easy to focus on the great parts of your relationship and life together. But, there was a reason you broke up — maybe even several reasons! Don’t ignore the “bad” parts of the relationship and idealize the best parts…instead, keep reminding yourself that you’re letting go of the past because holding on to it isn’t good for you.Accept that your loss may always hurt or confuse you
Some things, we never ever get over — but we can still live full, rewarding lives and achieve our goals! Part of letting go of someone you love is accepthing that you may never have all the answers. For instance, my sister cut me out of her life five years ago. She told me she didn’t want to speak to me again and wouldn’t tell me why. That was the ultimate lesson in powerlessness and letting go…and that’s why I wrote Letting Go of Someone You Love.Accept your lack of control over other people
No matter how “good”, smart, helpful, giving, or attractive you are, you can’t control other people. If they leave you, they have their reasons…and sometimes those reasons have nothing to do with you. The sooner you accept your lack of control, the easier it’ll be to let go of someone you love.Rebuild yourself
Your losses, heartbreaks, setbacks, and disappointments have made you a different person — a better, more unique, more compassionate person! Instead of mourning what was or what could have been, start something new in your life. Think about what goals you should set for your life. Volunteer, take a solo vacation, join a new gym, take a night class, join a support group, check out a new social club, quit your job, and set new life goals. Rebuild your life — set new life goals.Remember that letting go of love doesn’t happen overnight
Letting go of the past isn’t something you do once – and poof! You’re free, healed, and happy! Rather, letting go is a journey peppered with steps forward and steps backward, good days and bad days. I grew up in foster homes, and was constantly saying hello and good-bye to new families, friends, and cities. I learned how to love, let go, and open my heart to love again. And I’ve survived those heart-wrenching, gut-twisting breakups that slam you to the ground and rip you to pieces. Letting go is a process that takes time.Why Do Women Break Up With Men?
- Is it my looks?- Is it my money?- Is it my job?
ME: "Hey..."HER: "Hey." (Not very excited. And I'd feel my stomach sink.)ME: "Uh, I just thought I'd call and say hello. See how you were doing..."HER: "Oh, yeah, I'm doing great. Look, I can't really talk right now - I'm hanging out with a friend."ME: "Oh, uh, okay. Call you later?"HER: "Sure thing. Talk to you later..."-- CLICK --
Candles.Music.Wine.Good food.
We have to approach her (tell me that isn't agony...)We have to brave the fear of rejection...We have to get her number...We have to call her up and ask her out...We have to make the plans for the date...We have to keep escalating things until we can sleep with her...
This is BIG time important! I can't tell you how much that one tip has made ALL the difference in my dating. After I learned it, women stopped breaking up with me. Then it was MY choice to stay with her or not.
R= Relaxed & Resourceful
E= Effective & Energized
A= Alpha & Authentic
L= Lifestyle & Lasting
Joe Cocker - You Are So Beautiful
It's just too late for my recovery of what was lost due to lack of recognition. For family and Anna, all so much beauty, once clouded by life's overwhelming demands and my confusion.
Brent Amaker and The Rodeo - You Ain´t Savin Me
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Gregory Alan Isakov - If I Go I'm Goin
Brent Amaker & The Rodeo - Doomed
Brent Amaker and the Rodeo formed in Seattle, Washington, in 2005. The band’s image recalls influential country musician Johnny Cash, ‘The Man in Black’, as they dress head-to-toe in black with matching Stetson hats and cowboy boots. They are billed as influenced by art rock performers Devo and glam rock’s David Bowie.
Much emphasis is put into the band’s image as evidenced by a large collection of photos and music videos done by the band, fans, and photographers and videographers. The Rodeo have a cinematic quality and are often put in context of spaghetti western films made by Sergio Leone and Ennio Morricone.
Their concerts often feature a dancing girl from local burlesque troupes and a phenomenon only known as the “Whiskey Baptism” where Amaker welcomes new fans into the “Church of the Rodeo” by pouring shots of liquor into their mouths.
Recently, they have been gaining notoriety from their cover of “Pocket Calculator” by German electro-pioneers Kraftwerk.
They also performed in the indie slasher film “Punch” directed by Jay Cynik. Cynik also wrote a comic book based on the exploits of the band on tour called “Mescal de la Muerte.” Illustrated by Portland, Oregon artist, Simon Young, the graphic adult novel was included in their 2010 release “Please Stand By.
The best country music expresses profound things in the commonest of terms, and these postmodern cowpokes do a decent job approaching that. “In the end/ We’re all doomed/ Even if you’re living/ On the moon” on “Doomed” comes off as just careless rather than an endearingly glib take on mortality. But based on the hooting and hollering from the band during the interlude before the last chorus, that’s not their main concern. If country music really is for the everyman, why shouldn’t songs about the apocalypse two-step in on nursery-rhyme couplets? – J. Arthur Bloom – Tiny Mix Tapes
The best country music expresses profound things in the commonest of terms, and these postmodern cowpokes do a decent job approaching that. "In the end/ We're all doomed/ Even if you're living/ On the moon" on "Doomed" comes off as just careless rather than an endearingly glib take on mortality. But based on the hooting and hollering from the band during the interlude before the last chorus, that's not their main concern. If country music really is for the everyman, why shouldn't songs about the apocalypse two-step in on nursery-rhyme couplets?
The Weepies - World Spins Madly On [Official Music Video]
World Spins Madly On
“World Spins Madly On” is featured on the soundtrack to the movie, Because I Said So. The song can also be found in episode 14 of One Tree Hill, season 3, as well as well as the season 4 episode My Déjà Vu, My Déjà Vu of Scrubs and season 1 episode four of The Riches. It served as the music to “Thought of You”, an animated short by Ryan Woodward.Woke up and wished that I was dead
With an aching in my head
I lay motionless in bed
I thought of you and where you’d gone
and let the world spin madly on
Everything that I said I’d do
Like make the world brand new
And take the time for you
I just got lost and slept right through the dawn
And the world spins madly on
I let the day go by
I always say goodbye
I watch the stars from my window sill
The whole world is moving and I’m standing still
Woke up and wished that I was dead
With an aching in my head
I lay motionless in bed
The night is here and the day is gone
And the world spins madly on
I thought of you and where you’d gone
And the world spins madly on.
- Audio from the 2005 album, Say I am You:
Torrent | SE | LE | |
44 | 3 | ||
40 | 1 | ||
10 | 0 | ||
8 | 1 |
Monday, November 28, 2011
Skater gonna Skate & Haters Gonna Hate: Skater Streetfight
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Here's a great mashup i found about the New World Order....
good filmclips and artistry ...even some humor..
all content produced by:
Thursday, November 24, 2011
GG Allin - Outlaw ScumFuck & Bite It You Scum - YouTube
GG Allin - Outlaw ScumFuck & Bite It You Scum
How to Cope With Cheating Girlfriend
Have You Been Cheated On
A little murdurous compilation I made using film footage from Beware (2011), Guy loses his job and boozes it up at a local, then heads home to catch his wife with her lover, and when she gets ballsy and reveals that he has fathered an illegitimate child, he reacts as he should in a world of better laws.