find artist or title of song
The easiest way to search for the song is to remember the lyrics. Even a short sentence of lyrics will do. The best is to remember 2 or more sentence because there are times the lyrics are pretty similar. One of our forum member Stuge recorded a short audio clip and asked for help in identifying that song. It wasn’t tough because I can clearly hear 2 sentence of the song. With the help of Google, I got to know what is the title and artist of the song.
If there are no lyrics and only music like Electro, Techno and House genre, it is also possible to find the artist and title of the music.

Here’s how easy it is to search for a song with lyrics. The audio clip that Stuge provided has the lyrics “You got lucky babe, you got lucky, I found you”. All I needed to do is to type this in Google search box “you got lucky babe you got lucky i found you lyrics”. Take note of the “lyrics” that I added at the end of the search key.
Search for name of the song
Voila, the title of the song is You Got Lucky, sung by Tom Petty. If you can’t hear the lyrics but can remember the tune or beat, you can try more methods below.

song recognition
You can search for music by singing, humming or even whistling. You don’t need to download any software to use Midomi, all you need is a web browser with flash player, a mic and an internet connection. To use midomi to find your music, click the “Click and Sing or Hum” at the top of the page, then click Allow when you see the warning that is requesting to access your camera and microphone. Start singing, humming or whistling. Once you’re done, click Stop and it’ll automatically upload the recorded audio from you to search for the song. During testing, I sang Wonderful Tonight by Eric Claptop, and Midomi is able to recognize it

identify song with tunatic

Tunatic claims to hear the song and you will get the artist’s name and the song’s title within seconds. Tunatic is the very first song search engine based on sound for your computer. All you need is a microphone and Internet access. Tunatic can’t identify music from classical genre and also song sung/hum by you. It has to be a recorded music. I’ve tested Tunatic to see if it can identify the song Close To You sung by The Carpenters but it couldn’t. Maybe you’ll have better luck with it…

Both Midomi and Tunatic relies on database to identify unknown songs, so it is not perfect. If all method fails, your only chance is to post the audio clip in DJ forums.


AccuBeatMix, the beat match & mix plugin for iTunes

  • perfect beat-matching transitions
  • Completely automatic
  • switch tracks anytime without losing the beat
  • seamless iTunes integration
  • Free to try
  • License package includes BPMer.
download Download AccuBeatMix 1.1.6 for Mac OS X v10.3.9 or later (universal binary)
Version 1.1.6 fixes a cosmetic issue with iTunes 10. revision history here
AccuBeatMix does not support DRM-protected tracks formerly available on the iTunes Store. Please upgrade your "AAC protected" tracks to "iTunes Plus" for use with AccuBeatMix.

BPMer + AccuBeatMix = perfect parties

AccuBeatMix is the natural complement of BPMer, an automatic BPM detector.
Use BPMer to sort your tracks by BPM, optimize start/stop times and/or adjust track volumes automatically, then mix your tracks in iTunes with AccuBeatMix.

Beat-Matching ≠ Crossfading

Cross-fading tracks with random start/stop times can be ugly, even if the tracks have the same BPM. Trimming iTunes to Achieve proper beat-matching is a pain, but AccuBeatMix does it automatically for you. Check our demo below!

Tips & tricks

  • Pre-process your play-list with BPMer (included in the license, download separately). BPMer analyzes each track and optimizes start/stop times so the beat never fades.
  • For best transitions, crossfade between tracks with matching or close tempos ("BPM"). BPM is not displayed by default in iTunes. To display BPM information, check Beats Per Minute in View>View Options.
  • Do not leave iTunes' track information window open while playing - this would prevent AccuBeatMix from switching to the next track.